
An artist since my adolescence, I decided to become a doctor instead of go to art school.

Since 2019, I have been a student at Leith School of Art and currently attend the 3-day painting course.

Art and artists are a strong theme in my plays, such as Paint Her Well and L’Espace du Vrai Amour (about Edvard Munch).


Follow me on Instagram for more images of my work and what I’m inspired by.

Self portrait with Rembrandt. Oil and acrylic on canvas. © copyright Iain McClure 2022
Into the Woods. Oil and acrylic on card. © copyright Iain McClure 2021.
Le Bateau-Lavoir No. 2. Oil and acrylic on canvas. © copyright Iain McClure, 2022.
The Polish Girl. Oil and acrylic on canvas. © copyright Iain McClure 2022.
Self portrait with Old Friends and a Red Apple. Oil on canvas. © copyright Iain McClure 2022.
Le Bateau-Lavoir No. 1. Oil and acrylic on canvas. © copyright Iain McClure, 2022.