
I am a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist, a Fellow of The Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) and a fully registered and licensed medical doctor with the General Medical Council.

I was formerly Lecturer at the Child Study Center, Yale University (2020-21); Honorary Senior Lecturer at Edinburgh University and at Glasgow University.

I qualified in Medicine (MB,BS) in 1990 and worked full time in the NHS (apart from 2 years as a Lecturer at Glasgow University) until 2018. Since 1999, I was a full-time consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist for Argyll and the Islands (1999-2007), NHS Tayside (2007-2009) and NHS Lothian (2009-2018). I now work for NHS Shetland CAMHS, part-time.

As well as being a general child and adolescent psychiatrist, I developed a special interest in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) over a twenty year period. I chaired the SIGN guideline on ASD for children, young people and adults ( the first national ASD evidence based guideline in the world, a real achievement for a small country.

I led and collaborated on autism research, mainly funded by the Scottish Government, which has been published in peer-reviewed journals.

Since 2018, I have worked as an expert witness for the Court.

As well as a degree in Medicine, I have a Law degree from Cambridge University (BA Hons 1984, MA 1989).