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Joseph Croan, 57, a famous child psychiatrist, has risen from childhood in Muirhouse, Edinburgh, to professorship at the Presbyterian Hospital, Manhattan. He’s married to Cindy, 39, a Native American academic. Visiting Edinburgh, Joseph can’t get out of his hi-tech flat in the old Royal Infirmary, as Cindy, back in New York, enters premature labour with their first child. As Joseph tries to escape, Sam, a 13 year-old Muirhouse boy he’d assessed 25 years before, in the very same room, appears.

L’Espace du Vrai Amour

In Copenhagen, 1908, Edvard Munch (1863-1944), one of the greatest artists who has ever lived, is close to death; the result of ten years of increasing alcohol dependency. He is admitted into the psychiatric clinic of Professor Jacobsen; the treatment consisting of being locked in a darkened room for eight days and nights, under the care of a novice nurse, Sigrid Aasta Andersen.

The Garden Of Love

A three-act exploration of atoms, time, empire and our fallen world.
I will be developing this in a workshop in 2023.

Paint Her Well

A fantastical drama set in a fictitious mountain kingdom, where two paintings hang side by side in the Royal Gallery. One is a marriage portrait of the Queen and the other is of an unknown woman, painted decades earlier. Mysteriously, magically, they seem identical. As The Court Painter explains why, we journey into a complex world of intrigue, betrayal and violent redemption. Starring David Tennant and Liam Brennan.

A Woman In Berlin

A dramatic adaptation of the diary, A Woman in Berlin, first published anonymously in 1954, but written between 20 April – 22 June 1945 as the million-strong Russian Red Army invaded and occupied Berlin. The author, a 34 year-old journalist, suffered starvation, privations and rape at the hands of the invaders. A story of her remarkable spirit and bravery, her open-minded intelligence and highly perceptive observation; she discovers her inner strengths and will to survive.

The Madman

A girl turns 16 and wants to leave home. Her father resists the idea. Some years later, walking by a dark lake, the father meets an actress who has fled from a personal crisis. As their relationship develops, the actress makes a terrible discovery as to why the daughter never left.

Children Of The Mist

1746, Culloden, Scotland. Two teenage brothers (one with autism) and their female cousin are orphaned after the battle. In their efforts to survive, they discover unsuspected resilience and a fantastical inheritance.


It imagines the ancient past, the present and the not too distant future, from the perspective of the same man, living in the same place, in the west of Scotland…and three women and a boy.