A Woman In Berlin

A dramatic adaptation of the diary, A Woman in Berlin, first published anonymously in 1954, but written between 20 April – 22 June 1945 as the million-strong Russian Red Army invaded and occupied Berlin. The author, a 34 year-old journalist, suffered starvation, privations and rape at the hands of the invaders. A story of her remarkable spirit and bravery, her open-minded intelligence and highly perceptive observation; she discovers her inner strengths and will to survive.

Paint Her Well

A fantastical drama set in a fictitious mountain kingdom, where two paintings hang side by side in the Royal Gallery. One is a marriage portrait of the Queen and the other is of an unknown woman, painted decades earlier. Mysteriously, magically, they seem identical. As The Court Painter explains why, we journey into a complex world of intrigue, betrayal and violent redemption. Starring David Tennant and Liam Brennan.